Navigating Roles


Roles give users specific access to different portions of the site.

Additional roles can be added, edited, or deleted, based on your church’s needs.

Role information and Permissions:

 Name—records the name of your role.

This role applies to—allows you to select which book(s) the role applies to.


  • Can manage chart of accounts—allows the user to add/edit/delete categories/accounts and change category/account placement.
  • Can view all accounts—allows the user to view all accounts for selected book(s).
  • Can view—allows the user to view a subset of accounts for the selected book(s).


  • Can create deposits—allows users to enter deposits into the system.
  • Can create payments—allows users to enter payments into the system.
  • Can create transfers—allows users to transfer money between accounts.
  • Can create checks—allows users to write checks.
  • Can create journal entries—allows users to create journal entries.
  • Can edit transactions—allows users to modify transactions.
  • Can print checks—gives users the ability to print checks.
