Importing Paychex Files


Church360° Ledger has the capability to import payroll information from the Paychex online website. Please note that payroll details and all other payroll processing is performed in Paychex.

Once the checks are created in Paychex, they can be  exported to a .txt file. Then that file can be imported into Church360° Ledger. After the file is imported, Church360° Ledger will automatically update your account balances by creating a matching payroll transaction for each employee. 

  1. Go to the Settings cog and select “Imported Transactions.”
  2. Click on the “Import Paychex File …” button.
  3. Click on Browse to search for your saved Paychex file.
  4. Select the file you wish to import.
  5. Link these files to the appropriate accounts within Church360° Ledger by clicking on “Select an account” and matching the Paychex account with the appropriate Church360° Ledger account name.
  6. Once the accounts have been mapped, click on “Confirm.” The system will bring up a screen that says “Reviewing Transaction 1 of .”
  7. Review transactions and click “Continue” to go to the next transaction.
  8. Repeat the same process for all subsequent transactions.

Note: If you do not want to import a specific transaction, click on “Skip this transaction” to exclude it.

  1. Once all transactions have been reviewed, you will be redirected to the Finish Import page. Click on “Import” to bring the transactions into your site.

Note: After this process, your information should populate in Church360° Ledger and your import will appear in the Previous Imports section of Imported Transactions.
