- Once you get signed in to 360 Ledger click on Settings then Paychex
- Once that screen loads we will click on Browse to search for your saved Paychex file: Here are the steps to export the file from your paycheck account: https://360ledger.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212002868-How-do-I-export-payroll-information-from-Paychex-
- Once you select the file another screen will appear that will bring up a list of accounts that the importer found on the import file. You will need to link these files to the appropriate accounts within 360 Ledger. Click on “Select an account”
- Here is an example of what it would look like once you mapped the accounts (these are just example accounts on my site so they might not make sense. Just make sure to match them to the appropriate accounts.)
- Once the accounts have been mapped click on “Confirm”. Once this is done the system will bring up a screen that says “Reviewing Transaction 1 of 3”(just an example, your number could be more or less depending on the number of transactions that are being imported).
- Once you have reviewed the transaction and it looks good click on “Continue” to go to the next transaction and repeat the same process. Note: if you do not want to import a specific transaction click on “Skip this transaction” to exclude it.
- (Transaction #2)
- Transaction #3
- Once all transactions have been reviewed, click on Continue and you will then see this page:
- Click on “Import” to bring the transactions into your site. Once the import has finished you should see the following message:
- To verify the import look at your ledger to make sure the transactions are listed. You can also go to Settings à Paychex to see the import that you made.
Note: If you run into any issues during this process please give our tech support a call and they will assist you in getting the issue resolved. That phone number is 800.346.6120.